Mission #2

Mission #2

Mission #2 

Mission two was so meaningful and holds a place dear to my heart.

We here at L & V Crafts were able to team up with Northside Baptist Church in Highlands Tx. This was our official first ever Christmas Shoebox Drive for L & V Crafts! It was absolutely amazing! Northside Baptist was absolutely amazing! I believe we were able to gather about 10 shoeboxes for the 2023 Christmas Drive. I would love to team up with Northside again next year to see if we can hit our big goal together. 

Just like any mission we complete here at L & V Crafts it could only have been done with the help of our Amazing Community. Thanks to our community coming together and helping donate we were able to bless children around the world this year, 2023. 

I pray for many more years of giving back and continuously learning more ways to give back and bless other around the world. 

-Thank You Northside and everyone that helped in donations. 

-One Box, One Child -In Jesus Name, Amen.

-Thank You all for being generous and selfless. 


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